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Tree Removal Service & Tree Trimming

Why Regular Tree Trimming Is So Important


Trees can add beauty and value to your property, but ongoing care and maintenance is essential to preserve that value.


Trimming and/or pruning is an important part of overall tree care. Trimming doesn’t just serve to remove unwanted branches off the tree; it actually enhances the health of the tree and allows for its normal growth.

If you tend to skip regular tree trimming services, you should read on to learn these reasons why doing so is a bad idea.


Enhances Your Landscape
Tree branches keep sprouting off in all directions and if they aren’t trimmed regularly, the trees will look unbalanced and unkempt. Well trimmed trees not only look beautiful, they increase the beauty of your garden. Not just that, removing dead branches and trimming trees will allow for better sun exposure, air circulation and rainwater to reach the grass and flowers underneath the tree, thus improving your overall landscape.


Trees Stay Healthy
Removal or dead, decaying or infested branches is important to maintain good health of the trees and to prevent disease from reaching other parts of the tree.

Trimming and pruning trees also prevents overgrowth and keeps the branches growing in a certain configuration. This ensures that the tree structure is more secure and strong.


Keeps Your Property Safe
This is one really important reason why you should be getting your trees trimmed regularly. Trees with overgrown or diseased branches pose a considerable threat, especially in the case of strong winds or storms.

Branches can collapse and significantly damage your property. There is also a great risk of your family members and other people getting injured. Now that you’re convinced about why tree trimming is so important, hire a professional tree service to take care of this. Barrios Tree Services are experts at this!

Get in touch with us today to keep your trees in good shape and health. We offer professional trimming, pruning and tree removal service in Concord, NC and surrounding areas.

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